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Accepted Papers

Machine learning misclassification networks reveal that interdisciplinary publications are rewarded only in high-impact journals by Marc Hütt, Alexey Lyutov, Yilmaz Uygun

Dissecting the Gender Divide: A Large-Scale Analysis of Acknowledgment vs. Co-Authorship in Scientific Publications by Keigo Kusumegi, Yukie Sano, Daniel Acuna

Exploring Evidence Selection with the Inclusion Network by Yuanxi Fu, Caitlin Vitosky Clarke, Mark Van Moer, Jodi Schneider

‘Leaving no one behind?’ A network analysis of research in the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by Elsa Andres, Emanuele Calo, Maria del Rio-Chanona, Marcia Ferreira, Maria Henkel, Julia Számely, Liuhuaying Yang

ERC funded research relies disproportionately on US collaborations by Sandeep Chowdhary, Nicolò Defenu, Federico Musciotto, Federico Battiston